Program Language
This e-learning will be conducted in English as well as in German.
Who Should Attend
All tk employees who want to learn more about Agility.
What You Learn
For most of us, Agility has become a hype word within our daily business and sometimes it seems that it has become a term that is used as a solution for everything.
But what does Agility actually mean and where does it come from? Do we use the term in the right context today? What are Agile values, principles and common methods? Do you have an understanding of when to use Agile approaches - and when not? Meet your virtual thyssenkrupp colleagues Kelly and Tom and find answers to these questions in this thyssenkrupp Academy E-Learning.
How You Learn
In this E-Learning you will explore what agility is and when and where to use this method. Make your first step towards Agility now!
Your Benefits