Program Language
This program will be conducted in German.
Who Should Attend
All employees who want to increase their own value contribution to the company's results through knowledge of business economics and financial contexts.
What You Learn
One of thyssenkrupp’s top strategic priorities is the sustainable stabilization of the financial situation. This task is not only within the responsibility of our executive board, managing directors and top leaders. We can only be successful if we think and act in an entrepreneurial way on all company levels. The prerequisite for successful entrepreneurial activity is a fundamental understanding of business economic mechanisms – which is conveyed in this practice-oriented program. For this purpose, you will not only concentrate on creating a deeper understanding for general key performance indicators to analyze the financial performance of a company but also on the direct transfer to your own area and tasks within thyssenkrupp. You will learn how to systematically evaluate cost and value drivers in your own area and how to adjust them to maximize the financial performance.
How You Learn
Through a self-directed preparation phase, in which you deal with some basics of financial management, space is created in the two-day workshop for concrete impulses, for application and discussion as well as for the business simulation Cash&Flow. There will also be enough time for your own practical cases and examples. After the workshop, you will directly apply the acquired knowledge by taking a closer look at the value and cost drivers in your area. The results will be discussed and reflected upon in a final virtual session.
As a result, you will gain a fundamental understanding of the financial mechanisms and the value management within a company in order to increase the value contribution of your own area of responsibility.
Your Benefits
In future, you will