Program Language
This program will be conducted in German.
Who Should Attend
All employees who would like to improve their reading speed through various reading techniques and at the same time want to grasp the essentials.
What You Learn
The amount of information we have to absorb every day is constantly increasing. Knowledge is today mainly delivered in digital form. Today, e-mails and electronic formats are our essential sources of information. Recognizing the essentials quickly and accurately and remembering it later is becoming increasingly challenging. By changing old habits, using amazingly simple and practical techniques, you can make this process easier and work more efficiently in the future.
How You Learn
The training will be conducted as online training. The participants train different reading techniques in individual work on the basis of different texts, including measuring time. At the same time, text reproduction is rained and memorization techniques are applied directly. In this way, theoretical input is made directly tangible through many practical exercises.
The training sessions can be completed on a tablet, laptop or PC.
Your Benefits
In future, you will