Personal Effectiveness

High performance through concentration and resilience

This program offers you practical strategies to help you focus 100% of your attention on the most important task. You will learn how to sustainably increase your attention span and the speed of cognitive information processing. News from intelligence and brain research will help you to fully utilize valuable potential in order to produce high-quality results. Instead of always being busy, you will be productive and achieve your goals with satisfaction. Keeping your own needs in mind and better recognizing your body's warning signals helps to counteract the development of stress at an early stage. You will learn to get out of the perfectionism trap and apply individual strategies to deal with stress even in particularly demanding situations.

Powerful words! Confident and convincing in personal communication

You will learn the basics of persuasion, appreciation and receiver-oriented language in personal communication. You will work on techniques for leading discussions and you will explore how to remain authoritative and calm, even in difficult situations. You can distinguish different types of communication-preferences and know how to address them in an appropriate way. You will recognize the impact of your own behavior on others and strengthen your persuasive power.

Work Smarter, Not Harder – Workhacks for self-management & collaboration

High work pressure, diverse projects, changing teams, remote collaboration – all of this is looking for tips & tricks to optimize your skills. In this one-day, virtual training, you will discover and reflect on how you can optimize your working methods and strengthen collaboration in teams. You will dive into the topic of hybrid working and learn how you can increase your efficiency. <br/>You will expand your intercultural understanding and learn how to integrate this knowledge into your everyday work. In order to better organize your professional and personal everyday life, you will develop and reflect on practical skills in time and energy management that will help you. You will improve your communication skills through active listening, among other things, and thus strengthen your interpersonal relationships. And finally, master the art of constructive feedback to create an environment of continuous improvement.

The good way to deal with yourself – Self-confident. Value-oriented. Resilient.

Inner strength and a good way of dealing with yourself are the basis for a self-confident appearance as well as for a good cooperation with colleagues, superiors, employees and customers.  Dealing well with yourself - what sounds so simple is sometimes a fine art. This is not least due to the fact that the many challenges in everyday life often leave little time to reflect on oneself, on one's own life. As a consequence, we constantly lose the inner contact to ourselves. Therefore, take some time for yourself in this seminar. Experience the many possibilities for more power and serenity in life. Develop clarity about your own personality, recognize constricting thought patterns and learn to let them go. Learn the central pillars of self-awareness, do your personal values check, question your own values and recognize new possibilities for action.

Successful Self-Organization and Effective Time Management

Do you feel like you're running out of time? One deadline follows the other and you lack time for free space and concentrated work? In this program, you will learn to optimize your personal work style using appropriate methods and to master multiple and also global challenges in a more stress-free and goal-focused manner through prioritization. You will manage your time more confidently and improve your work performance!

Convincing with Personality – Confident.Quick-witted.Appreciating

A personality captivates others, convinces and inspires. It is above all their authenticity, their clarity and inner strength that reaches and radiates to others. It convinces not only professionally, but also humanly, and this is also of great importance in working life. How convincing do you appear to others? How do you see yourself? How do others perceive you?   Do your self-image and the image of others match? How confidently do you act in difficult moments of conversation? These and other exciting questions will be explored in the practical seminar. Learn to assess yourself better through self-reflection, constructive feedback on your personality and in-depth exercises. You will gain credibility, charisma and persuasiveness. In addition, you will learn how to remain confident even in critical situations and how to clearly distinguish yourself. There will be shown ways of using witty repartee to bring conversations to a factual level, thus preventing the occurrence of verbal duels in the first place. You will receive a toolbox for successful criticism and appreciative communication.

Time management in a hybrid world - How to stay organized and motivated

Today, working from home and remote is becoming increasingly important. But while the flexibility and convenience of hybrid working offers many benefits, it can also be a challenge to manage your time effectively and maintain motivation. In this program, you will learn how to optimize the way you work to stay productive and organized and how to manage multiple challenges with less stress and more focus by using appropriate methods and prioritization. You will manage your time more confidently and improve your work performance!

Speed reading techniques and memory training – How to manage the high amount of information

The amount of information we have to absorb every day is constantly increasing. Knowledge is today mainly delivered in digital form. Today, e-mails and electronic formats are our essential sources of information. Recognizing the essentials quickly and accurately and remembering it later is becoming increasingly challenging. By changing old habits, using amazingly simple and practical techniques, you can make this process easier and work more efficiently in the future.

Successful presentations – Techniques and methods for a strong appearance

In any profession, making a good presentation is the be-all and end-all. Successful presentations require much more than colorful PowerPoint charts. Bad presentations and speeches are lost time and wasted opportunities. <br/> Together with your trainer, you will work out what you need to do to spark the audience: How do I prepare properly? How do I practice a presentation? How do I make a good first impression? How do I place my message effectively? How do I convince – indeed, how do I inspire – my audience? 

Presence with voice and body

You will learn how to use your body and voice to manage yourself, situations and the contact with others in an appreciative way. You will appear calm and powerful, even in emotionally tricky situations.

To the point: Argue strongly, convince better! – Pyramidal Structuring

You apply structuring skills and pyramidal communication in order to better communicate your concerns in meetings and presentations “to the point”. In this so-called pyramidal communication, the core message is at the beginning of your verbal or written communication, to be subsequently explained in a logical manner with the "best" numbers, data and facts – ideal for your internal decision templates or external customer presentations.

Confidence and courage – What we can learn from historical pirates today

The world is turning faster and faster, is becoming more incalculable and constantly presents us with new challenges. Are there strategies to deal with this development constructively, even to make it controllable and usable for us individually? The historical pirates of 400 years ago did not know stable framework conditions, they were always and everywhere in mortal danger and had to act permanently more agile, faster and more surprising than their opponents in order to be successful. Their clever, unconventional and daring strategies provide us with an excellent role model for today.

Leading Through Coaching

You will discover coaching as a powerful leadership tool which you can use to enable your people to both achieve peak performance and to reach their full potential.

Performing in a Public Environment

You will practice how to strategically address others not only with the right message at the right time, but also with the right format to spark engagement, dialogue and honest openness. This program supports you to present your ideas clearly and confidently in a way that supports your personality.

Successful appearance in front of groups – Directly experience your own effect

In this program you will discover and develop your personal rhetorical potential. You will learn step by step the tools for effective performances. Proven exercises and detailed feedback support you on this path. You will experience and improve your personal impact on the audience. Your awareness of an understandable and powerful speech and voice will be reawakened. In this way, you will succeed, for example, in getting messages to the point and speaking fluently, without ""uhs"". Supplemented by the variety of expression possibilities by means of body language, you will manage to carry your audience along from the beginning to the end of your performance. Professional preparation and follow-up will help you to constantly improve your performances.

Female Empowerment – Speak up and shine!

Strengthen your inner attitude and express yourself with a strong voice You will get to know your voice inside and out, learn to use it in a targeted way and be able to act and speak confidently in different professional situations. You will consolidate your inner strengths and combine them authentically with your external expression. This will help you gain presence and assertiveness!